Introductory week

1 min readMay 24, 2022

Wsg my name is Noah and I have been with SailFuture for 5 months now, and this is my second expedition . I’m really looking forward to all of the sight-seeing in New York and Maine, but something I’m not looking forward to is the sea sickness. The destinations that we are going to include St. Augustine, Beaufort NC, NYC NY, Newport RI, and Portland Maine. Before the trip, we attend a pre-expedition week for 3-days to prepare us for the trip as well as determine our roles and the layout of the trip.

I’m feeling really good about this trip so far. I’m looking forward to the locations that we are going such as Beauford, NC. The thing I’m really not looking forward to is the motion sickness. When I get sick it will last until we get to our next port; so until the passage is over I’ll feel like garbage. The crew gave me a lot of responses with half being really exited for the trip and the others saying, “nah the land is my homie”.

I hope you’ll enjoyed what i wrote! If you did. come back next week for another one!




A motley crew exploring the Caribbean sea and North Atlantic ocean on a 65' MacGregor sailboat named ‘Defy the Odds’.